Hi Mackenzie, I just discovered your substack and am thoroughly enjoying reading your posts! Oh boy do I understand the overthinking. Those of us wired with those overactive minds do suffer greatly, but we can learn to quiet them as you discovered. I utilize meditation a lot for this purpose. But one thing that I also focus on is that as women, we often are the ones holding up the world (it sure feels that way doesn't it) and it is not really practical for us to think we are going to have the luxury (or even the desire) to become zen masters and delve into the "traditional" meditation. I instead believe women meditate differently...we the multitaskers know how to step into that moment of silence to still the mind and then pick back up and pack that lunch, carpool, and rush to work. I believe we are wired to be able to do so, to grab those small moments (and when we are lucky that 20-30 minutes). I love the focus on the breath that you speak of! Breathing techniques can draw us in and help us to calm the nervous system and the mind. Thank you so much for sharing this post! I am enjoying all your writing so very much!

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Thank you so much Patricia, your comment was such a bright spot to my day 🥰 I also appreciate the insights you shared regarding meditation, you’ve given me something to think about 😊🌿

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This was fascinating! I loved this and relate to the wow of realising about the space between breath, the emptiness, fertile void and therefore the infinite potential xx

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Oh, I loved the way you phrased that Lyndsay! Absolute magic 💫 xx

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