The quote "Feel the fear and do it anyway." that you have shared reminds me of a quote I came across on instagram awhile back. "The nature of life is uncertainty. Self trust is the antidote."


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Self trust is the antidote. Bingo! In reading this post, I wondered (and I should be directing this to Mackenzie) what exactly is the cause of the fear and anxiety? Is it too many things on the to do list? Is it the weather, as she described her winter blues. Is it new experiences or new unpredictable people entering her world. All of these things are out of our control. We can only control our reactions or decisions not to react. Overthinking problems that don't really exist is not control. And the self trust is where we get the strength that we can take care of whatever "business" we allow into our lives. Thank you, Erica, for that quote. I hope it helps.

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‘We can only control our reactions or decisions not to react’. 👏🏼 Yes!

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Brilliant quote 🌿

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This post found me at the perfect time. I never use to be an anxious or fearful person either. I notice these emotions flare up most when I'm feeling insecure - those periods of time in my life where I lose trust in myself and my vision, or can't seem to find solid ground.

I began to realize when my fear and anxiety do spring up, it's usually an invitation for me to go deeper inward - anchoring myself and finding clarity on what I need in the moment to feel safe and secure. I believe our feelings are never trying to hurt us, only provide us with feedback on how to re-establish balance within ourselves.

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Don’t you love those serendipitous moments when you read something that finds you at the perfect time? 🤗

‘I believe our feelings are never trying to hurt us, only provide us with feedback on how to re-establish balance within ourselves’. Ooh, I love this Erica! What a brilliant way to reframe fear and anxiety 💫

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Jun 6·edited Jun 7Liked by Mackenzie

It's wonderful that you have a daily meditation practice :) I too find daily meditation brings me back to center. Understanding the impermanence of life, that everything changes and to resist is futile. Acceptance is where we need to get to and meditation is so good for our body, mind and spirit.

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You’re right Jodie, meditation is so good for our mind, body and spirit 💫 I feel so much calmer, do you know what I mean? Less discombobulated 🤪

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Jun 7Liked by Mackenzie

I know exactly what you mean :)

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Jun 21Liked by Mackenzie

Ugh... anxiety! It's an awful thief that robs us of life. I agree that there is so much power in inviting it in, looking at it from all angles, and asking it questions. I think it's the only way to get to the root of where it is coming from and then take action, if that is what is required. It's so easy for anxiety to grab ahold and spin us painfully around, distorting reality as we find ourselves caught up in thought loops.

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Yes, the thought loops are awful. It can absolutely be debilitating ☹️

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I think it was Fearne Cotton in her book, Calm who said something like "your anxiety won't protect you" and that really struck a chord. I tell myself that my anxiety, my over thinking and my stress is a protective mechanism but really it can't protect me from anything. It just makes it harder to enjoy the everyday beauty that makes life worth living.

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I am writing that one down Louise, wow what a powerful way to frame anxiety. Thank you for sharing that 🌿

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Oh Mackenzie I feel you !! Actually our fall into winter to spring sounds incredibly similar. The peak of my anxiety really hit my May where I had the same feeling last month that this has to stop and I can’t control it all .. so very familiar with that catastrophic thinking 😩!

Love the tips you provided, I think taking that time however it works for us, to be in that stillness can really help the anxiety…because then we can hear our inner voice and know either our next step or that we ARE safe. 🤍

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So many of us in the same boat, right? Did you find that your anxiety became much more of a presence during your mothering years? I’ve found that to be the case for me personally, that heightened overwhelm, you know?

Appreciate you Jen! 💛✨

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I’ve always had anxiety but I feel like the worry shifted. My pregnancy was hard and the postpartum period was also difficult and I feel like those feelings never left me (if that makes sense). There is just always this underlying worry about keeping them safe (I think due to my experience) combined with just the exhaustion of being a mom/ never finding that “perfect” way to manage all of the things …which contributes to more anxious moments.. also I find it comes and goes now compared to the constant I used to have..hormonal times of the month increase the anxious/ruminating thoughts!

Love having these convos I think it can help other moms feel less alone the more we speak about it❤️

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You’re so right about hormones and that time of the month. These conversations are so important to have, thanks for sharing your thoughts here 🤗♥️

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I absolutely get that frustration Mackenzie, the tips that you have provided here are brilliant. As someone who has always had anxiety, it never goes away does it, but you can find the things that work for you. Meditation was absolutely a game changer for me, so much so that I trained to be a Meditation Teacher. I love all that you've shared, I'm sure it will be a beacon of light to others. xx

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Thank you so much Louise. Yes, the anxiety can be there but it is learning to live alongside it and to have the tools to help us do that.

How wonderful that you teach meditation! 🥰💫

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It was very much the start of my journey Mackenzie that sent me on wonderful mystery tour that I’m still on! 💫🙏

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Love that 💞😊

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