I relate with this completely! For me, it was about my value. I used to attached my own value to my level of productivity. And it has been a long journey to try to deprogram that belief and start to see my value just by existing, and to start seeing the purpose of this life as simply living.

Now I feel like I live more in the present and I’m aware of my discomfort when I'm not productive. It took some time, and I still keep coming back to myself, reminding myself that I don't have to do everything today, asking myself: What does a relaxed woman look like? How does a regulated nervous system feel? Thank you for what you write.

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Jun 21Liked by Mackenzie

"Attaching our value to productivity"... yup, right here, and I am in the process of deprogramming and fighting childhood messaging. I think we, as a society, value productivity because the results are typically tangible. We like things and what can be seen. We like to be able to label. Productivity is proof of something. But... and I'm just thinking aloud... there is so much proof in doing the soul work and in digging deep. Work like that is the work that really pays both internally and externally. But it goes back to values, what we value in ourselves, in others, and in the world. I value conversations like these, which make me think and connect versus a conversation about status or material stuff. Values... I don't think people think enough about their values (assuming they've identified them) and really lean into them as they live their lives. Okay... enough! ;)

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‘I think we, as a society, value productivity because the results are typically tangible. We like things and what can be seen’. Absolutely! This is it exactly! I loved you entire comment Meegan, but that part right there was brilliant 👍🏼

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‘What does a relaxed woman look like? How does a regulated nervous system feel?’ This! 👏🏼👏🏼

Appreciate your response Melissa! 🤗✨

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I relate to ALL of this! I have a note in my bedroom that says ‘everything that needs to get done, will get done’ to help bring me down from the high-stakes productivity panic and overwhelm!

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That is brilliant! What a great reminder to have, love it! 🥰

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Oh, I love that reminder.

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Love that you have this awareness Mackenzie, it brings so much insight. Without going into it all, this has become an unsustainable way of humanity and we are being called to change the way we live, breathe, behave, grow and develop. Well be asked to take notice or ummmm have no choice!

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It is definitely unsustainable Louise, I agree. Love your thoughts on this! 🩷✨

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I do suffer acutely from the feeling I should be productive all the time, but I’m working on it 🙈

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It’s such a work in progress for us, isn’t it? 😊

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Just who is telling "us" to be constantly productive? Is this a generational or cultural thing? Can't really blame capitalism because there are a number of capitalist countries that are productive, yet they see nothing wrong with instituting "siesta time" or the two-hour lunch tradition for everybody.

I've read recently that Millennials are doing this "gotta be productive and spectacular" all the time schick. It's nonsense. Granted, it's all about competition, but that comes from insecure people who need to tell people what to do. OR it's some wee, small dictator in our brains telling us to live like this. Tell whoever or whatever is shoving constant productivity in your face to shut the fuck up and leave you alone. If it's important, you'll get it done.

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