I might try this out!! Such a good idea - I never realized that by taking Instagram off my phone, I can still access it on my laptop. Have you ever thought about accessing it through the browser on your phone?

Just subscribed to you so I can continue following your journey :)

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Yes, it was quite eye-opening, this experiment and it might work for you too! 😊 Thank you Katharina, happy to connect with you here 🌸✨

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I used to have an account on IG from the begging of it where I posted landscapes and macro photographs but almost two years ago I deleted it cause it was not accomplishing what I thought was it's job, inspire me and teach me about other artists and creatives. At that point with my attention freed I decided to get myself in trouble in something bigger than me,a you tube channel, where I had and still have the chance to do things more thoroughly and with more focus. Deleting that account also freed some time for devoting myself on a novel I'm writing.

In the whole picture, blogging is what I struggle with cause I don't want to post if I haven't had enough time to really reflect on a topic and having a yt channel takes a lot of my time. But I'm still happy to be here, even if only to try and learn. I left Instagram and I didn't regret it but I think the only thing that matters is realising how much it influences us, not if you delete it or simply stop looking at it.

I really appreciate your piece. Have an amazing day and thanks for sharing.

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‘I think the only thing that matters is realising how much it influences us, not if you delete it or simply stop looking at it’. Oh, I love this Antonella! Thank you for sharing 🧡

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I too remember the good old days of instagram, I used to be part of a really good community on there but I lost my drive for it and basically disappeared off the app for the best part of four years. It’s only this year I’ve gone back on there and while I was enjoying posting there is a different vibe now and it all seems a bit hard work. I took a couple of weeks off while on holiday and now I’m considering if I really want to keep posting on there. I’m new to Substack and think I’ll try focusing my efforts over here as I think it will be more worthwhile.

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Yes, it seems more and more people are becoming disenchanted with Instagram. What I love about Substack is how welcoming it is and very supportive! 🎉

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Jun 4Liked by Mackenzie

As an artist, many of us are upset about the recent announcement that without filling out a convoluted form, that they may or may not respect, your artwork will be used to feed their AI.

For myself, I am coming to art late and untried and I had hoped to use instagram as a way to find like-minded souls. (And I did find quite a few.) But then, I started having comments rejected and banned. My account was locked, and yet they said I was spamming for followers and likes. (How when I had a private account?) Comments this was said about: condolences to people I knew well, a question about a printing technique to someone who had asked for questions if we had any, a compliment to an artist on a painting. About 20 times. This past week, I was banned from my account for 5 days.

Enough. I'm newly here and more than a little lost. But I have hopes for Substack (community, the ability to talk with each other, art, writing) that I had lost entirely in Insta.

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Wow, I didn’t know that about Instagram and AI 🙁 That platform just keeps changing, doesn’t it?

Glad to hear that you are here on Substack, it really is such a great platform for creatives! ✨

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Thank you for sharing this. I had a similar experience two months ago when I realized Instagram was making me anxious and distracted, even though I just wanted to share my photos, sketches, and love for gardening. I’m new here on Substack and still learning, but I’m already loving it. The quality and honesty of the content truly inspire me and give me hope.

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Yes, Instagram can be quite anxiety-inducing can’t it? Glad you have found Substack Karina! It is definitely a nice place to be 🌸

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This is such an interesting experiment and I have to say I'm very tempted to try it. You make such a good point about seeing fewer adverts when you use Instagram via laptop but I'd never really thought about it like that before.

Hmmm....wanders off to have a ponder

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Let me know if you try it Louise and how it works for you 🤗✨

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I will do xx

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I love how peaceful you felt over the holiday weekend and I can definitely see how being off Insta was helpful! Since being on Substack I am not on Insta nearly as much. I post snippets of my writing there with a signpost to read more here but that’s it really. I no longer spend hours trying to get the right pics or craft the right caption. I do like it for visual inspiration here and there but I definitely don’t scroll as much as I once did (though there is still room for improvement at times!) xx

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Yes, the visual inspiration is lovely on there and that part is nice. I enjoy the photos you share on your posts here on Substack Lyndsay. They are so calming 💛✨

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Ah thank you Mackenzie xx

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I see a lot of negativity around about Instagram, and yes, I remember the old days too, but I’m still enjoying it. It still feels a special place for me to connect with other like-minded individuals. But, I have had to develop a relationship with the app over the years which means I’m in control rather than the app. I am enjoying Substack too, and also seeing how both platforms can complement and challenge each other. But I’m very relaxed about Instagram; I’m not in it to get thousands of followers, and I’m not trying to make money from it. I hope I approach it gently and mindfully.

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I love how you framed this David ✨ Connection is so important isn’t it? I’m glad that you have found a way to mindfully use Instagram and that it works for you. So glad we have connected here! 💫

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It’s great that you’re keeping your options open while prioritizing what feels right for you now. Thank you for sharing your journey and inspiring others to consider their own relationship with social media.

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Thank you! Appreciate your response 🌺

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