
So many of us are introverts! 🤗🥰

Baking is the cure for everything 👩🏻‍🍳

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Oh gosh, this is so me! I wrote a post about my experience of being an introvert and loving being alone, I’m not sure if you’ve read it but you might relate to what I’ve written in there too.

I resonate with what you’ve written here so much! I know it’s horrible to say but I really struggle in the school holidays when I have the children around me constantly talking and asking questions. As much as I love them to pieces, I really need my alone time.

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I believe I have read your post but I will go back and check 🙂

Oh my goodness yes, being a mother who is also an introvert, it definitely can be challenging at times 🤪

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Definitely! 😅🤣

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Yes, I totally relate to the point about children. I just need a minute and I find the ongoing dialogue and questions A LOT. I have to communicate with my partner in the holiday periods that after care giving I need downtime and alone time.

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‘Yes, I totally relate to the point about children. I just need a minute and I find the ongoing dialogue and questions A LOT’. Yessssss.... 🙌🏼🙌🏼

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I know EXACTLY what you mean! 😅

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Yes! It's hard being an introvert with children. The constant stimulation is draining. I felt much more in-balance once my boys started school. I look forward to seeing them when I pick them up at the end of the school day, ready to be available for them again.

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I totally relate to this. The big summer break from

school is so hard for me with the constant stimulation. My children are a lot like me though, and they are old enough to say that they need some alone time too. It’s always good to regroup when we’ve had time to decompress 😊

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Being an introvert with children definitely is a balance with our energy levels isn’t it? 🙂

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Mackenzie

A lovely read from the lovely road, thank you. ❤️ So much of this resonated. School bus with a book, happiest with a book in my room, avoiding colleagues to have a quiet lunch reading. YES. Also, not knowing anything about intro/extro til adulthood. Whereas every Gen Z I meet, well, they must teach it in schools now. Along with the Meyer-whatever personality test.... x

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Yay, so glad this resonated Jill 🥰

Yes, Gen Z does seem to know all of this info at a young age, meanwhile we were all in adulthood trying to sort ourselves out 🙃

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Mackenzie

Oh totally. I am a huge introvert, and time alone is essential for me to function! I need to be able to shut the door on the world and tune out, tune in, be quiet. I get so worn out and exhausted if not... Hard relate! And you've motivated me to go and bake 😍

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I am an introvert that sometimes gets mistaken for an extrovert - mainly because I can do publicly speaking. The main thing I notice in myself, especially as I grow closer to mid-life, is how much a group dynamic totally drains me. I think 1:3 is my maximum capacity and then I go into a sort of power saving mode, which is let others talk and listen in. Books will forever be my go-to companions for down time, along with painting and as you mentioned meditation- although since children that probably looks more like mindfulness whilst in nature.

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I understand about being mistaken for an extrovert. In the book I mentioned the author talks about how in order for introverts to do a particular task, they may have to tap into pretending to be extroverted to get through what they need to get done. Definitely can relate to that! 🙂

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Yes, I'm an introvert who gets mistaken for an extrovert too, because I can be very social and lead people, but it exhausts me!

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Totally exhausted after talking to other people. Especially now I have CFS too, I really have to protect my energy

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Thank you for holding space for us introverts. It's funny because I thought I was an introvert, but upon meeting my husband who is the biggest introvert of all time, I wondered am I am ambivert? Instead I came to the conclusion that introversion/extroversion can be a sliding scale (a bit like the Kinsey scale of sexuality) and some of us are closer to one side than the other.

Also the bread and cookies look delicious!

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It is so interesting, isn’t it? My husband is also an introvert but he’s in sales. He’s just brilliant at being able to interact with people for a long period of time, but then he definitely needs his downtime! 😊

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Nodding to all of this, Mackenzie! I read Quiet in my 30s (now mid-40s) and it was a revelation to me, so much fell into place.

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Quiet was so good! It’s nice to know that we are not alone in this world and that many of us are introverts 🤗

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Apparently about half of us, not that you’d know it the way our society operates.

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I'm an introvert too. I need alone time to recharge after spending time tihe people. I mostly work from home which suits me well.

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Yes, the recharge! A definite requirement 💁🏻‍♀️

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deletedApr 9, 2023Liked by Mackenzie
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I love the robot analogy 🤖

You definitely could be an ambivert which is nice, you can move through both groups seamlessly 🤗

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